Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Kisah Penutup Tahun 2010

26 Disember 2010, chek kehilangan henpon pemberian MK.
Gelabah. Sedey. Sebak. Sayu .. macam -macam perasaan yang berkecamuk dalam kepala dan jiwa. Hp chap norkiah tu, berharga RM390 (atau mungkin kurang) di pasaran. Murah jer. Hp jenih biasa2 sahaja.

Tapi henpon tu, henpon pemberian MK! So ia lebih mahal daripada blackberry TORCH! O.0
Pelbagai usaha chek lakukan. Singgah kaunter Maxis, tanya dia is it possible untuk kita block call out tetapi kita allow call in. Dia kata xboleh. Dalam kepala chek pikiaq (habih tu, kalau nko block kol untuk yg tak bayaq bill tu boleh pulak????)..
Sebabnya, after 4hrs hilang, chek kol.. masih in use lagi number tu.
Tak puas hati dengan tu, chek call lagi hotline Maxis. Nak tahu, ada tak calls made from my number during masa hilang tuh. Dan korang tahu, apa Maxis tu jawab
"tak boleh puan, kena tunggu tarikh akhir .. bila bil dah keluar, baru kita boleh check"
Ya Allah, apa punya pesen la.. Takkan lah nko xboleh check kan. Ada tak transaction/call made from my number as i am one of your customer. And am not using Hotlink.
Ok then, My cut off date is on 28th every month. So i waited patiently for another 2 days.

On 29th December- i check my bill and am almost pengsan when i saw the amount appeared : RM273!!! *pitam!!
I call back on the same day. asking the same Q, wanna check, did any transaction appear on that date (26th December). And guess what..................???!!!!!!
"We're sorry.. your billing date is on 28th so, today cannot yet.. maybe tomorrow!"
WTH!! Are u guys at Maxis using manual procedure to view and check bills of ur customers?
Don't you ever heard of IT and how much it can simplify your job and life????

So, i asked them to get my itemized bill sent to my address.
And it will take 7 -14 days to reach me!
Agaknya dah lunyai dah ler hp tu. :(

On 3rd January 2011- i checked my email as usual (i oso get my bill emailed to me).
Dan belek2 bil tu. (coz dlm bil tu bukan itemised bill) secara kasar, chek pon tengok.

My local and trunk calls : RM90 +
Broadband: RM68
other charges: RM100

Other charges RM100??????????????????!!!!! (mmg konpius giler nih) Chek mula berfikir, agaknya org yang ambil hp tuh xder guna kot.. tp maxis yang charge chek sampai rm100!
Hai, takkan lah chek kol Hotline dia kena caj sampai RM100! Biaq betoi. O,O Kol MK pon tadak la sampai tera tu. Kol gayut ngan family kt kg pon, xdaklah sampai mcm tuh.

Chek pun mencari punca RM100 tu.. check punya check... akhirnya jumpa la lubuk penyakit tu.

-Ask for topup for number 012-361 xxxx

Si*lan!! (marah btoi tu) Rupanya orang yang ambil ne, dah la ambik hp tanak pulang, xpuas hati dengan hp yg dah diambil, siap curik my duit RM100 by toping up his credit!!

But, yes.. i already have his/her number..
Dan disitulah.. perjalanan untuk mendapatkan hp kesayangan chek tu mula nampak sinar ..

Tapi adakah ianya mudah atau penuh cobaan?

Nanti, chek sambung lagi ..

Muahhhs T_T


Anonymous said...

bleh jelah block d phone once stolen since ko punye postpaid not prepaid. rase mcm pernah buat dulu.

ellaien said...

mmg boleh.. but tak perasan kata hp tu ilang sampai la pukul 4ptg.. sbb ingatkan tinggai dlm keta, moreover tengah duty time tuh, hp mmg xletak depan mata :(..
after duty, bila dah search serata alam xjumpa.. then baru kol bgtaw nk block :(